You are welcome to the Starex University. We are glad to have you as students of this University. We expect that during your stay in the University, you will emerge as real human beings with the ability and capability of innovation, creation and decision-making zeal for ushering in sterling and lucrative career. Above all, we expect you to come up to the expectations of the society and be responsible citizens of the country and earn respect among peers and seniors in the global community of the professionals. Now, let me introduce you to our Vision and Mission.


  • 'Nunc Est Semper: Now is Forever' is our motto which indicates our vision to spread the light of education among the scholars and the masses forever and to contribute towards their growth and empowerment forever.
  • To get developed into a center of academic excellence and to promote Professional, Technical & Vocational expertise and research.
  • To infuse in the minds of our students the urge and yearning for basic awareness of today’s global exigencies and necessities to place them strongly and firmly on the professionally and technically driven platform.


  • To impart quality education to students.
  • To create a conducive, multi-disciplinary, vibrant and inspirational environment for the academic growth and overall development of the students.
  • To foster academic excellence, develop elegant communication skills to meet the present day requirements and needs in this competitive world to keep pace with the national and international contestants.
  • To contribute new perspective to the world knowledge;
  • To develop critical thinkers and concerned citizens.
  • To make our students knowledge hungry by developing in them the tendency of lifelong learning.

Core Values

  • Discipline
  • Eco friendly
  • Synergy through Team work
  • Passion for Excellence
  • Trust and Transparency

S. Mohinder Singh
